The poster area is situated at the Norgessuite, by Plenum Hall. The posters should be mounted on Monday 08 April and dismounted on Thursday 11 April. Poster boards are numbered. Please see attached list for your poster number. The numbers on the poster boards correspond with the numbers presented on the list. The material can be attached to the poster panel with pins supplied by the organizers.
The poster presentation periods will be TBC. The presenters should be by their poster during both these periods on the day of presentation. Please see attached list for your day of presentation.
Format:The poster size should be A0 portrait format (width 841mm and height 1189mm). Our poster boards cannot accommodate larger posters, or posters in landscape format. We kindly ask you NOT to laminate your poster with plastic. Laminated posters tend to curl and are difficult to affix to the boards.
Design and layout specifications:
Keep in mind that a poster is a graphical approach to presenting research.
- You can attract attention with a good topic and a visually appealing presentation. Organization and clarity are critical. Limit the text to one fourth of the poster space, and mainly rely on "visuals" (graphs, photographs, flowcharts, etc.) to tell your "story".
- Your poster title and author information should be positioned at the top-center of the poster. Font size for the title should be at least 70 points, for author information at least 30 points. Use all capital letters for the title.
- Make it obvious to the viewer how to navigate the poster. The poster generally should read from left to right, and top to bottom. Numbering individual panels, or connecting them with arrows is a standard "guidance system".
- Leave some open space in the design. An open layout is less tiring to the eye and mind.
- Text should be readable from 1.50 meters distance. Use a minimum font size of 24 points.
Present numerical data in the form of graphs, rather than tables. Graphs make relationships between variables or differences between means much more evident. If data must be presented in table-form, KEEP IT SIMPLE.
- Visuals should be simple. Leave out or remove any unnecessary details.
- Make sure that any visual can "stand alone" (i.e., graph axes are properly labeled, symbols are explained, etc.).
- Use color to enhance comprehension, not to decorate the poster.
- Make sure that the text and the visuals are integrated. Figures should be numbered consecutively according to the order in which they are first mentioned in the text. Each visual should have a brief title.
If you have any remaining questions about poster presentations, please contact the
Posters - mounting and dismounting:
Posters may be mounted on TBC. Please locate your poster number on the poster wall. All numbers can be found in the poster list.
Materials for mounting the posters will be offered next to the poster walls by the conference organizers. We are using velcro tape "dots" to mount the posters onto the poster walls. The use of tape, etc. are not allowed.
All posters must be removed immediately after the poster session has finished.
Any posters still hanging after 10:00, Friday 12th April, will be removed and disposed of by the conference organizers.
The poster walls are covered with grey fabric. Measures are as shown below. Please mount one poster per poster wall. Please make sure your poster adheres to the given measures.

- Use text to (a) introduce the study: What hypothesis was tested or what problem was investigated? Why was the study worth doing?, (b) explain visuals and direct viewer attention to relevant data and relationships portrayed in the visuals, and (c) state and explain the interpretations that follow from the data. In many cases, conclusions can be summarized in a bullet-point list.
- Add key references to the paper, but do not exaggerate. References should be formatted according to the guidelines in the paper submission guidelines.