Digital projection will be from a PC running Power Point 2012 on Windows 10. There will not be a facility to plug laptops into the AV system in the auditorium. Screen aspect ratio is 16:9 in the Scandinavia Hall. 

Powerpoint version

All presentations are recommended made on one of the 2 newest versions of Powerpoint (Office).

Mac users 
Save your presentation in .pptx format
Use a common font, such as Arial, Times New Roman, Verdana etc. (special fonts might be changed to a default font on a PC). 
Insert pictures as JPG files (and not TIF, PNG or PICT - these images will not be visible on a PC). Use a common movie format, such as AVI, MPG and WVV (MOV files from QuickTime will not be visible on a PC). 
If possible test your presentation on a PC before sending, check on Office 2010. 

Naming your file 
Please name your file according to the following format: 

for example: 090419_Climate change and impact thereof, with emphasis on the Arctic _Mernlid.pptx 

Slide handover 
Please bring your presentation on a USB stick and report to the Speaker Ready Room Well in advance of your talk - at least 2 hours in advance of your talk (the day before if you are speaking first thing in the morning). 

Speaker Ready Room is situated on the ground floor vis-à-vis the Scandinavia Hall. There will be an extra PC available in addition to the one used by the technician. 

Speaker Ready Room opening times: 

Mondag 8th August: TBD 
Tuesday 9th August: TBD
Wednesday 10th August: TBD

Presentation times 
Please refer to your correspondence with the meeting organisers if you are uncertain of how long you have been allocated for your talk. 
Please note that there will be rigorous timekeeping throughout and you will be stopped if you continue beyond the time given. 

Video files in the following formats can be accepted in :
Windows Video file
.avi (Some .avi files may require additional codecs)
MP4 Video file.
mp4, .m4v, .movMovie file.mpg or .mpeg
Windows Media Video file*.

To include video in a presentation: 
1. Place both the ppt presentation and video clip file in a folder named according to the convention above 
2. Move the folder onto a stick, and the video will be included
3. Embed the video clip into your PowerPoint presentation by using the method in the following link:  
Please also bring a copy of the video with you as a separate file in case of any problems.

Slide content and design 
Screen aspect ratio is 16:9 in the main Scandinavia Hall. Material on slides must be of an adequate size to be seen clearly by all delegates. 
It is recommended that each slide contain no more than seven lines of text and no more than seven words per line. 

If showing graphs, tables or charts: 
• Do not make them too crowded 
• Complex figures should be broken up into series 
• Limit the number of captions 
• Use rounded figures 

As a rough guide we suggest you allow no more than two slides per minute of your talk. Slides are easier to read when there is a high contrast between the text and the background. Yellow or white text on a mid to dark blue background works particularly well. Avoid black text on a white background (eg photographs of typed pages).


All presenters must include details of any potential conflicts of interest on their slides or posters - you must include details of any company support given, whether in conducting the research, analysing the data or preparing the presentation. Speakers must also announce these disclosures at the beginning of their talk. If you have any queries about these arrangements - please contact the conference organisers at