about nbc

The seventh Nordic Biogas Conference (NBC) will be held April 9th–10th (11th), 2019 in Oslo – the European Green Capital of 2019.

The Nordic countries are known to be global frontrunners in the biogas arena with an advanced use of biogas and biofertilizer. The Nordic Biogas Conference will show-case both the today’s and tomorrow’s solutions - “the next wave” in biogas. 

Target group: Stakeholders (users and decision makers) from both municipal and private sector, technology providers, energy companies, consultants, R&D / universities.
The whole value chain of biogas and fertilizer will be represented.

The conference includes plenary presentations, parallel sessions, a poster session and an indoor exhibition. NBC provides the opportunity to meet the decision-makers in the biogas industry, exchange best practice-information on production, distribution and utilisation of biogas and even bio-fertilizer in the Nordic countries, enhance cooperation and establish new business relationships. 

History of NBC
NBC has been organized every second year since 2006. It has alternated between all Nordic countries and was back where it started in Finland in 2016 on the Viking-ferry between Stockholm and Turku. NBC was last held in Oslo in 2010 with over 300 participants. In Copenhagen 2012, more than 500 participants participated.

Strong organisers - international focus
NBC 2019 is organised by the leading representatives for the biogas industry from all five Nordic countries and will attract attendees from all over the World. More than 30 speakers and participants from more than 20 countries are expected to come to Oslo for NBC.

Main organisers

Avfall Norge and the City of Oslo (No)
Sorpa (Is)
Biogasforeningen (Dk)
Finnish biogas assocation (Fi)
Avfall Sverige (Se)

Parallel side-events 
Nordic Biogas Conference 2019 (NBC) is part of a full week of Bio-waste events in Oslo, Europe's Green Capital City! 08 - 11. April 2019: 

- ISWA Beacon conference on Bio-Waste Management, April 8 
- Biogas Festival / Public exhibition for the citizens, April 9 - Composting Day, incl site visit, April 9
- Technical excursions to biogas plants, April 11 

Check out the full program

Important dead-lines

Abstract submission, December 15
Early bird registration, February 4
Check-in and follow NBC at Facebook.

We welcome you to take part of NBC in 2019 - and look very much forward to seeing you in Oslo!