Syrstad, Ellen; Aadnanes, Margrete; Slettebø, Tor; Ellingsen, Ingunn
VID Specialized University; University of Stavanger
Exploring research on reunification of children placed in public care and professional practice in Norwegian child welfare services
Ravn, Mona Kragelund
University of Aalborg
Participation In Supervised Contact – The Importance of Confirming Feelings, Identities, and Relationships Beyond The Limited Time And Space Of Contact
Aamodt, Hilde Anette; Sommerfeldt, Marianne Buen
OsloMet - Oslo Metropolitan University
Decisions on contact between parents and children in child welfare care measures
Jones, Maria; Yassin, Ali Iversen
The Child-and Family agency (CFA) in the Municipality of Oslo
“Mobilizing the village” – challenges and possibilities when working with families and systems surrounding youth with high-risk behaviour
Paasivirta, Annukka; Kuokkanen, Julia
Central Union for Child Welfare
Current status and future of child protection in Finland
Pauni, Reetta; Kouvolainen, Tessa
SOS Children's Villages Finland
Young people developing Child welfare services in Finland – Case SOS Development Team
Skuggedal, Elin
Child welfare services in Færder municipality
The UN Convention on the Rights of the Child in Policy and Practice: Cooperation with youth on the development of the child protection service
Nirmalarajan, Liesanth Yde; Berg, Line
Department of Sociology and Social Work, University of Aalborg; VIA University College, Aarhus
Naming, blaming and claiming rights: A Danish case study of digitalization and participation in child and family welfare services
Bekkevold-Jernberg, Ina Marie; Sæther, Silje Terese
The Child-and Family agency (CFA) in the Municipality of Oslo
Involvement of children and adolescents in operation and development of residential child care institutions (RCCI)
Østmoe, Cecilie
The Child-and Family agency (CFA) in the Municipality of Oslo
A novel milieu-therapeutic model for treatment of children and adolescents placed in institutional care settings
Bergset, Kari; Husabø, Gunnar; Udberg-Helle, Cecilie Eikefjord; Reime, Monika Alvestad
Western Norway University of Applied Sciences
Unaccompanied young refugees’ right to family life. When family reunification is achieved – who is there for support?
Taina Martiskainen
Central Union for Child Welfare
FAMILY COMES FIRST: the process of family reunification - who supports UAMs?
Englund, Linn
Is it enough to have a family home?
Rayner, Daniel Bøhn
SOS Children`s Villages Norway, Finland and Sweden
Norway, Finland, Sweden
Civil Society in Cooperation with Child Welfare in Three Nordic Countries
Lystrup, Gina Hillestad; Haugland, Morten
The Church City Mission, child welfare
How to make sure the structural frameworks of our residential care units are trauma sensitive?
Freysteinsdóttir, Freydís Jóna
University of Iceland
The need to improve foster care of children in Iceland: Foster care an as a storage or an opportunity to work on trauma from previous experiences
Nyberg, Amanda; Fagerlund, Maj; Andersson, Maj
Stiftelsen Allmänna Barnhuset (Children´s Welfare Foundation Sweden)
Access to support and treatment for children who have been victims of abuse - experiences from a national Swedish project
Sandelin, Lisa
University of Örebro
After the child forensic interview model's relationship with parental consent to support from the child welfare services
Halme, Vappu; Gautvik, Kjersti Bratberg; Stenbeck, Kristine Misvær
The Norwegian Directorate for Children, Youth and Family Affairs
Nasjonalt forløp for barnevern: Experiences of children, youth, and families
Norrman, Therese; Skogh, Therese
BarnSäkert Region Uppsala
Early preventive cooperation to protect the smallest children's right to a safe upbringing and a childhood free from violence and neglect
Paju, Petri; Jahnukainen, Johannes
Central union for child welfare, Finland
Experience-based knowledge and participation, match made in heaven?
Graarud, Helén
Østfold University College
Children and young people's participation in child welfare research
Sletten, Marina; Bjørkquist, Catharina
Østfold University College
How technology influence the knowledge base of child welfare decision-making practice
Simonsen, Ane Heiberg; Andersgaard, Rona Eriksen; Johannessen, Charlotte
Regionalt ressurssenter om vold, traumatisk stress og selvmordsforebygging
Talk to me – Helping professional adults build confidence in exploring challenging subjects with children and youth
Otterlei, Marte Tonning; Christiansen, Øivin
University of Stavanger
Enhancing Family Participation in Child Protection: A Qualitative Exploration of Dialogue Processes in Norwegian Child Welfare Services
Reichelt, Vilde; Paintsil, Ruth
The Church City Mission, Primærmedisinsk Verksted
Leveraging Networks in Intercultural Mediation: Possibilities and Challenges
Evans, Polly; Nordanger, Dag; Mæhlea, Magne; Christiansen, Øivin; Braarud, Hanne Cecilie
In what ways are children seen and heard in independent child welfare expert reports: An exploratory quantitative study of Norwegian child welfare experts’ reports
Jørgensen, Tone; Greve, Rakel; Evans, Polly; Christiansen, Øyvin
Western Norway University of Applied Sciences
Children's participation when the child welfare service engages independent experts to inform care order decisions
Saus, Merete
The Arctic University of Norway (UiT)
Child welfare in Sámi context: TRC and Indigenous methodology
Andersson, Emma; Landberg, Åsa
Stiftelsen Allmänna Barnhuset (Children´s Welfare Foundation Sweden)
After the forensic interview – a model for support and information to children and parents when child physical abuse is investigated
Vollebæk, Line Ruud
Regionalt ressurssenter om vold, traumatisk stress og selvmordsforebygging
Victims or perpetrators, or maybe both? - Child criminal exploitation as a form of human trafficking
Högberg, Julia
Bris – Barnens rätt i samhället
Gang related crimes – a question about children and children’s rights
Kurki, Annukka
Save the Children Finland
Prevention of violent radicalization of children and youth
The Nordic Congress on Child Welfare, NBK 2024 is organized by:
Norway: Norsk Barnevernsamband
Denmark: Børnesagens Fællesråd
Færøyene: Barnaverndarstova Føroya
Finland: Centralförbundet för Barnskydd
Iceland: Barna- og fjölskyldustofa
Sweden: Stiftelsen Allmänna Barnhuset