Breakfast roundtables

A number of Breakfast Roundtables will be presented Monday 25th and Tuesday 26th 07:30 to 08:15 hrs.
Each roundtable will have a maximum capacity of 12 participants (including chairs). In the event of insufficient registrations for any specific roundtable, it may be subject to cancellation. 


Automated sample preparation of microsamples – user experiences

Chair: Sofia Lindahl

Evolution in implementation of TDM services: Trends, gaps, and local strategies in different countries.

Chairs: Maria Shipkova, Eberhard Wieland

"This roundtable is planned to be interactive and is intended as an exchange of information between participants from different countries and with different professional backgrounds.

The chairs will give a short introduction on the evolution, achievements and progress in the field from their perspective which will be followed by a discussion with the participants.

Contents to be addressed include but are not limited to for which drugs TDM is performed, how TDM is performed, the analytical techniques in place, ordering of tests, customer needs, demand for and supply of consulting, logistical challenges, reimbursement issues. The goal is to identify gaps, to learn from each other, and to discuss solutions that may advance TDM internationally."

Anti-infective precision dosing - Challenges in early dose optimization for critically ill patients.

Chairs: Sumith Mathew, Jana Stojanova

This roundtable session will discuss how to perform precision dosing in ICU patients and some of the important considerations to workflow (e.g. test turnaround time, data collection, reporting and dose optimization). It will discuss strategies to overcome some of the key issues from the recently completed DOLPHIN study such as when to start TDM (waiting until the third dose may be too long ) and why target attainment was equal in the TDM and standard groups.

Immunosuppression and TDM after kidney transplantation:  what, why, how

Chairs: Soufian Meziyerh, Teun vanGelder

Although TDM has been widely accepted in the field of solid organ transplantation the daily practice can differ quite substantially between centers. In this roundtable we will discuss the different options for monitoring frequently prescribed drugs such as ciclosporine, tacrolimus, mycophenolate and everolimus. There will be sufficient time to exchange experiences and learn from each other.


TDM of immunotherapies in oncology: opportunities in research and clinical practice

Chairs: Dirk Jan R. Moes, Vikram Gota

"This round table session will discuss the opportunities to perform TDM of immunooncology mabs for research and/or clinical practice. Bioanalytical options will be discussed, how to set up an infrastructure etc. Furthermore alternative dosing strategies will be discusses with or without PK guidance. The chairs will give a short introduction on the knowledge and ongoing research. The goal is to share knowledge and discuss opportunities for TDM of this new group of compounds."


Second-generation sequencing versus genotyping in pharmacogenetics: benefits, constraints and applications

Chairs: Nicolas Picard, Vincent Haufroid

"- Presentation of genotyping or sequencing panels used in pharmacogenetics.

- Clinical utility of second-generation sequencing: discussion on case reports.

- discussion on Turn-Around-Time of second-generation sequencing analyses.

- discussion on the interest of rare variants in pharmacogenetics.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   

Key-words: rare variants ; Next-generation sequencing ; Clinical implementation ; Pharmacogenetics ; P450 enzymes ; DPYD ; TPMT."



Real-time drug monitoring: progress and potential

Chairs: Kevin Plaxco, Sophie Stocker

Significant recent progress suggests that near-instantaneous, point-of-care or at-home drug concentration measurements and even the high-frequency, real-time measurement of concentrations in situ in the body may be near on the horizon. In this light, we wish to ""jump start"" conversations regarding how such technologies, which will enable unprecedentedly real-time dosing decisions and even autonomous, feedback-controlled drug delivery, could impact TDM.

" keywords: biosensors, point-of-care TDM, feedback-controlled dosing


TDM in inflammatory bowel disease - optimising clinical practice and use of model-informed TDM

Chairs: Murray Barclay, Nuria Padulles, Zhigang Wang, Erwin Dreesen

 -Apply MIPD to guide infliximab induction in ASUC patients

-Apply MIPD to inform infliximab dosing interval extension in dose-intensified patients with IBD


Polypharmacy aspects and drug interactions in epilepsy and psychiatry

Chairs: Cecilie Johannessen Landmark,Tore Haslemo

- Pharmacological treatment with antiseizure medications and antidepressants/antipsychotics are often used in combination

- antiseizure medications are increasingly used in psychiatric indications

- there are numerous pharmacokinetic interactions between these drug classes and TDM is a useful tok to tailor the treatment"

DPD phenotyping and TDM of 5-FU -opportunities, challenges and clinical significance

Chairs: Binu Susan Mathew, Jan Gerard Maring

Discussions for the roundtable will be interactive, an opportunity to share the experience of participants and to think together to solve problems related to the following:

-Different approaches used to study DPD activity as a pre-therapeutic test

-Phenotype test for DPD - analytical challenges, interpretation of these results in a diagnostic service.

-TDM of 5-FU – LC-MS/MS, therapeutic goals, challenges and clinical implications

-Any other matters of interest related to therapeutic drug management with 5-FU"

Registration for each Breakfast roundtable will be found on the registration form.
Participants who have already registered for the congress will receive a separate invitation to register for the Breakfast roundtables.

Yours sincerely,
Stein Bergan
Congress Chair