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Accepted filetypes: mp4 or mov.
Format: 16:9.
Presentation must be sent to either directly upload (upload site) or via Filemail and send to e-mail aquanor@gyro.no
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Make sure to rename your recording according to this format: lastname_session
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Oral presentations and selected poster presentations will have the opportunity for publication in an established Research topic: “More Food From the Ocean - Blue is the New Green” in Frontiers of Marine Science, with session chairs acting as Topic editors for the manuscripts.
All abstracts will be reviewed by the session chairs using a blind peer review system. The criteria will comprise quality and relevance.
There will be 5 sessions available at Aqua Nor 2021. When submitting your abstract, choose one of the sessions below.
Chair: Hans Bjelland, SINTEF Ocean
Co-chair: Ole Folkedal, Institute of Marine Research
This session invites scientific presentations within technology development for robust, safe and efficient fish farming operations, fundamental knowledge about risk factors and key limitations and regulation and stakeholders of novel, exposed farming systems.
Key words: Exposed and offshore aquaculture operations, marine technology, autonomy, fish welfare, risk and safety.
Chair: Kari Attramadal, Nofitech
Co-chair: Olav Vadstein, NTNU
This session invites scientific presentations focusing on production strategies, fish welfare, resource utilization and new technological, including biotechnological, development in land-based aquaculture.
Key words: production strategies, fish welfare, microbial management, biotechnology, water treatment technology, surveillance, automation, operations management, models, waste handling/utilization
Chair: Mette Sørensen, Nord University
Co-chair: Jørgen Holm, Biomar
This session invites scientific presentations focusing on nutritional quality, feed utilization, pellet quality, sustainability and health of fish fed on novel feed ingredients.
Key words: Sustainable, new feed resources - terrestrial or aquatic, GM ingredients, low footprint, public perception, nutrition and health, food safety, cost benefit, circular economy
Chair: Ana Karina Carvajal, SINTEF Ocean
Co-chair: Ragnhild Dragøy, Nofima
This session invites scientific presentations within the following topics: technology development for increased automated processing and raw material utilization, technology, and methods for reduction of food loss, development of ingredients from rest raw materials and underutilized species, new innovative seafood products, and challenges related to the regulatory framework for use of ingredients from new marine resources.
Key words: processing, total utilization, seafood products, marine ingredients, food loss, value chain optimization, reduced environmental food print
Chair: Hanne Digre, ScaleAQ
Co-chair: Martin Føre, NTNU
This session invites scientific presentations in the field of enabling technologies that are of relevance to this session and span a vast range from sensor technology for remote sensing of abiotic and biotic conditions/Internet of Things, through methods in machine learning and mathematical modelling, to interfaces for man-fish communication. Enabling technologies within other topics such as underwater robotics, electrification, and big data are also invited.
Key words: Enabling material technologies, digital technologies, artificial intelligence, machine learning, remote sensing, IOT, sensors, big data, block-chain, biotechnology technologies.